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Mobility Plan Implementation

The City of LA has only implemented 5% of the plan since 2015

Of the 6 enhanced networks in the Mobility Plan 2035, the Bike Enhanced, Bike Lane, and Neighborhood networks can be compared to existing infrastructure using the City's public data for existing City of LA bikeways.'

We also have an in-house map of existing bus lanes (cross referenced against Metro presentations) that we can compare to the Mobility Enhanced Network.

With this, we are able to calculate a percentage of the mobility plan implemented for 4 out of 6 networks impacted by the Mobility Plan. All calculations can be seen and reran using Jupyter notebook files in this Github repo.

Network Length TotalImplemented TotalImplemented since 2015Implemented since 2015 ignoring mileage built before
Protected Bike Lanes3108.95%8.41%8.45%
Unprotected Bike Lanes79041.21%5.29%9.01%
Neighborhood Enhanced Network9888.96%1.00%1.09%
Bus Lanes2268.53%4.67%4.90%

Some network streets (largely unprotected bike lanes) were complete before being placed on the Mobility Plan on 2015 - we've included these streets in the second column but do not count them towards what has been completed since 2015 which results in the 5% number.

The third column compares mileage to the entire network lengths, and the the fourth column compares mileage to everything unbuilt post 2015 which we believe is a slightly fairer assessment. Both of these numbers are under a 5% total implementation. You can also view this data here.


Pedestrian Crash Counts

All crash data is sourced from the LAPD public traffic accident dataset. All our data analysis scripts are Jupyter notebook files that can be downloaded from Github and ran locally. We manually checked each pedestrian crash for duplicates or inaccurate values. The full list of accidents for streets with billboards can be viewed in this google sheet.

The total number of pedestrian fatalities hitting 159 in 2022 is again from the LAPD dataset, and can also be verified by LA Times reporting here. This is equivalent to a death every 2.29 days which we've rounded to two days on our billboards. NOTE: The LAPD dataset results are almost certainly an undercount as they only flag fatal incidents as 'TRUE' or 'FALSE', so an incident that resulted in multiple fatalities will only be counted as 1 death.

Car Crashes are the #1 Killer of Kids

An LA County Public Health Department Report shows us mortality patterns for different age groups. In 2022 Motor Vehicle Crashes (labeled MVC) were the largest cause of death for age groups 0-17 years and 18-29 years.

More pedestrians died on Vermont Ave than in the State of Vermont

A report by GHSA Report has an estimated number of pedestrian fatalities for every state in 2022. Vermont saw 7 pedestrian deaths compared to Vermont Ave in Los Angeles which saw 8 in the same year.